Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mount Sinai will miss Team Watcho! :)

St. Joe´s University visited Mount Sinaí! What a fantastic group of individuals. I have no doubt they will do great things and touch many lives with their big hearts. They definitely inspired me.

Some memorable moments from the week:
-Experiencing pure joy during playtime at San Felipe, Refuerzo, and Bastión
-Cheering for the woman killing chickens on the side of the road
-Turning every car ride into an "hora loca" ipod shuffle jukebox experience
-Dancing the "gallinita" with the 4th graders at San Felipe and shaking some tail feathers
-Playing Signs and Mau and Spoons with marker consequences
-Hanging out with Youth Group and playing soccer
-Singing Bohemian Rhapsody to the niños at Bastión
-Having the power go out EVERY DAY
-Being welcomed into the homes of neighbors and sharing conversation
-Searching for the Watcho
-Equipo Tres...Uno...Dos...Tres!!!!!

Some things the group learned:
-The blessing of hospitality as neighbors opened their homes and hearts time and time again
-Smiling (true smiling) can bring hope to people
-Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer
-Being vulnerable and open in relationships can create beautiful connections
-We are part of the privileged few who get a college education and have a great responsibility because of that to create change in this world
-God is in everything
-"Don´t forget us": honor your experience by remembering the people and their stories
-Somos familia

Shout outs! A favorite memory or two that will stick in my mind about each member of Team Watcho:
-Dr. Tom: getting called an alien for sharing that "ropa sucia" is your favorite food, busting out "Roxanne"
-Micaela: laughing and conversing with Elisa and Fernanda, carrying around Bianca at Refuerzo
-Brian: the San Felipe students saying "wow" the first time you spoke :), playing with little Leila at the final dinner and making her laugh
-Megan: telling Katarina that she will always be beautiful, sharing your deep love with everyone you met
-Amy: running around with little kids on your shoulders at Refuerzo, bonding with Katherine about Will Smith!
-Vinny: rocking Bohemian Rhapsody, the look of inspiration on your face while listening to Luis
-Lisa: schooling the boys on the soccer field, dancing it up to Teenage Dream
-Taylor: out-running all the kids at Sta Teresa Mass, connecting with Karen at Refuerzo
-Ryan: making Tamia smile at San Felipe, always asking great questions at neighbor visits
-Karla: singing Eminem in the car, your patience while helping students with homework
-Dom: reading to San Felipe kids during recess, connecting with Monica 
-Katie: rapping in the car :), using your awesome Spanish!
-Scott: knowing alllllllll the lyrics to every song, being very present everywhere we went
-Nate: playing with kids!!!, letting go and having some serious fun

I hope you all cary this experience in your heart and never forget that we belong to each other! :)

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